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Object Activator

Object Activator

Object Activators are a great way to run a set of events when the Game Object becomes active, or when a player or an enemy enters its collider trigger.

This Component uses an ULTRAKILL Event


There are two cases that can happen:

  • If the Object with this component on it doesn't have any collider, it will run the events when it becomes active.
  • If the Object has a collider with a trigger on it, events will only run if a player touches the trigger.


One Time

Can only be activated one time. Further trying to reenter its trigger or reactivating the Game Object beyond the first time will yield no new results.

Disable On Exit

If this field is enabled, Events from the ULTRAKILL Event are reverted when either:

  • The Game Object becomes inactive
  • The Player leaves the Trigger

Objects under To Activate Objects become inactive, objects under To Dis Activate Objects become active, and On Dis Activate() events run.

Dont Activate On Enable

If this is enabled, events will not be activated when the object becomes active.

Reactivate On Enable

This is required for non-trigger based Object Activators. If you want to run the events every time the Game Object becomes active, this has to be enabled, even if One Time is not ticked.


Events will ran after specified amount of time in seconds. Can use decimal numbers. This can be cancelled if the Object Activator gets deactivated (example deactivating the Game Object its on, or leaving the trigger if Disable On Exit is enabled.)


Requires a Game Object that has an Object Activation Check component on it. If its status is enabled, the Object Activator will run, otherwise it won't.

The status can be controlled using ULTRAKILL Events


See ULTRAKILL Event for further information.

This will be executed based on the conditions descripted in Behaviour.

For Enemies

If the Game Object that has an Object Activator also has a trigger on it, it will only be able to be triggered by enemies.


Functions can be called from ULTRAKILL Events.


Triggers the events from Events regardless of conditions, without delay.


Triggers the events from Events if conditions are met.


Deactivates the Object Activator, and reverts the events. If One Time was enabled, it resets its state so it can be used again.